We are a coalition of local environment, community and faith groups across South East England uniting for urgent action on climate change and biodiversity loss. 

Latest News

Making Devolution Work for Climate and Nature

The South East Climate Alliance has joined forces with 12 other climate action networks from across England to urge the Government to build statutory duties on climate and nature into the Devolution White Paper currently under discussion in Parliament, so they are embedded at the heart of the new...

Local Climate and Nature Action – what we’ve learned, and a warning

Lewes District Council has recently revised its climate and nature strategy and action plan to bring its plan for reaching Net Zero up to date. This blog from Green Party Councillor and Cabinet Member for Climate Nature & Food Systems, Emily O’Brien, describes how they went about it, and...

Take part in our Annual Gathering!

We've got exciting plans for our 2025 Annual Gathering in Guildford on 1 February. We'll be using both Zero Carbon Guildford and Holy Trinity Church, giving us more space for table discussions and displays as well as the plenaries. You can book tickets for the day here. Our theme is 2030: A Call...

Supporting local authorities on climate action

Tilly Campbell recently completed a dissertation at the University of Leeds examining how cross-sector collaboration is supporting local authorities with the delivery of climate action. She interviewed a number of figures in the SECA area, and this blog outlines her research and key findings. SECA...

The Truth About The Terrain – A Review of “The Lie of the Land” by Guy Shrubsole

SECA member Deborah Smith has contributed this personal review of Guy Shrubsole’s new book The Lie of the Land in order to raise awareness of the land ownership issues it highlights and perhaps stimulate thought and discussion. She's found it an important read and is keen to engage with others on...

The CAN Bill needs you!

The Climate and Nature Bill has taken a big step forward with Liberal Democrat MP for South Cotswolds Roz Savage agreeing to put it forward as a Private Members’ Bill. This blog outlines what SECA members can do to help it on its way. SECA has been supporting Zero Hour’s campaign to get the...

Getting the messaging right on home energy

SECA held a Knowledge Sharing session on 23 September with Ben McCallan of Zero Carbon Guildford who talked about how to frame the messaging to encourage takeup of green home energy technologies Many SECA member groups are working to promote greener home energy choices, but this can be challenging...

What’s Stopping Us Stopping Climate Change? The Next Steps…

In September 2023, the Surrey Climate Commission organised a speaker event in Leatherhead to discuss the systemic challenges of addressing climate change. Since then they’ve been looking at ways to put the ideas raised into practice. This blog by SCC’s Paula Gilbert describes the next steps...

Sussex Bay initiative aims to support coastal nature recovery

The Sussex Bay initiative, which launched in Brighton in June, aims to deliver a healthy marine ecosystem for the Sussex coast. This blog, by Head of Blue Natural Capital Dean de Aragón-Spears, outlines Sussex Bay’s vision for nature recovery and the ways in which everyone can get involved. An...

Britain Talks Climate: getting the message across

SECA held a Knowledge Sharing session on 28 March with Ben McCallan of Zero Carbon Guildford who talked about Britain Talks Climate’s techniques for getting the climate message across to different audiences Ben McCallan of Zero Carbon Guildford introduced Britain Talks Climate, an evidence-based,...



Take part in our Annual Gathering!

Take part in our Annual Gathering!

We've got exciting plans for our 2025 Annual Gathering in Guildford on 1 February. We'll be using both Zero Carbon Guildford and Holy Trinity Church, giving us more space for table discussions and displays as well as the plenaries. You can book tickets for the day...

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Supporting local authorities on climate action

Supporting local authorities on climate action

Tilly Campbell recently completed a dissertation at the University of Leeds examining how cross-sector collaboration is supporting local authorities with the delivery of climate action. She interviewed a number of figures in the SECA area, and this blog outlines her...

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The CAN Bill needs you!

The CAN Bill needs you!

The Climate and Nature Bill has taken a big step forward with Liberal Democrat MP for South Cotswolds Roz Savage agreeing to put it forward as a Private Members’ Bill. This blog outlines what SECA members can do to help it on its way. SECA has been supporting Zero...

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Getting the messaging right on home energy

Getting the messaging right on home energy

SECA held a Knowledge Sharing session on 23 September with Ben McCallan of Zero Carbon Guildford who talked about how to frame the messaging to encourage takeup of green home energy technologies Many SECA member groups are working to promote greener home energy...

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