Get in touch
To contact SECA please email:
And do follow us on social media. On Twitter we’re: @SECA_UK On Facebook we’re: @seclimatealliance
We also have set up a Facebook Group to provide an easy communication channel between SECA members. It is a closed group, but we are pleased to accept new members. Just follow the instructions on the page to apply.
How to join SECA
We would be delighted to welcome further members to the Alliance!
If you are a representative of a local group that would like to join SECA, please email us at: It would be helpful to have a lead contact within each group, so we can coordinate action easily.
Join the mailing list
Individuals are also welcome to join our mailing list, which means you will be sent our periodic newsletter with updates on SECA and the Climate Emergency Campaign. There is a sign-up form at the bottom of this page.
To see previous editions of the SECA newsletter, visit our .
Please be assured that your contact details will only be used for communicating with you on matters relating to SECA and its campaigns. We will not pass on your details to any third parties without your express permission.